
What are the solutions for the chain saw not being able to pull?


1. See how long the chain saw has been used
This is very important. If it is just used, then the most likely reason is that the starting method is incorrect and the chain saw is flooded. Strictly speaking, it is not a malfunction. There are still more cases. The solution is also relatively simple. Remove the spark plug, lightly press the spark plug port with your thumb, pull the start handle a few times to drain the excess fuel in the cylinder, dry the spark plug and install it back, and then restart the chain saw.



2. Is the fuel ratio correct?
This is also very important. The chain saw works normally in the morning and cannot be pulled at noon. We need to remove the exhaust tube first to check whether the lower piston is scratched, and remove the cylinder first. If it is a cylinder, replace the cylinder. , This requires professional maintenance.

3. The chain saw has been used for a period of time, and the fuel usage is normal. Check one by one according to the following steps:
(1) Check the circuit to see if the spark plug has electricity. Remove the top of the spark plug and place it on the metal. Pull the machine to see if the spark plug has electricity. Replace the spark plug and start to try.
(2) Check the oil circuit to see if the fuel filter is blocked, clean the oil filter or replace with a new fuel filter, start and try it.
(3) Adjust the carburetor of the chain saw. If the high-speed adjustment screw of the carburetor of the chain saw is adjusted too high and the carburetor cannot supply oil, try to withdraw the high-speed adjustment screw H of the carburetor. Start and try it. If it still does not work, you need to remove the air filter, check whether the air filter is clean, remove the carburetor, clean the carburetor or replace the carburetor.
(4) Learn to maintain the chain saw. If you do not use the machine for a long time in the future, you must drain the oil from the oil tank and start the machine to burn out the oil in the carburetor and cylinder. To prevent residual oil from clogging the carburetor, clean the air filter more often. The lubricating oil must be better.

After the chain saw is used, remember to perform some maintenance on the chain saw, so that the working efficiency can be guaranteed when the chain saw is used next time. The above are a few problems that may be encountered during the use of the chain saw mentioned today. I hope it can help everyone. If you encounter problems during the use of the chain saw, you can call us to consult our Crab chain saw.

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