
How to solve the heating problem of the chain saw guide plate and the chain saw chain?


Many people have encountered a situation where the temperature of the guide plate is too high to heat or become hot when working with a chain saw. So what is the reason for the temperature of the guide plate is too high to heat or become hot? In fact, the chain saw guide plate becomes hot or even hot when in use, which is a common problem encountered in the maintenance of chain saws. Today I will tell you how to deal with this situation.

The root cause of the heating problem is excessive friction. The chain saw itself has a lubricating oil supply system. Therefore, the abnormal operation of the oil supply system is the cause of the heating of the chain saw guide plate. For example, the oil pipe is broken and leaking, the oil filter is blocked, the oil pump is blocked, the oil pump nozzle gland is not flat, the oil pump nozzle gland paper pad is damaged, the guide plate oil hole is blocked, etc. These conditions all cause the oil supply. Abnormal situation.

The following are several possible causes and solutions for the heating of the chain saw guide plate and chain saw chain:

1. Insufficient oil supply or inorganic oil

Solution: add oil in time and clear the oil supply lines, such as oil filter head, oil pump, and oil pipe. Among them, the bottom of the oil pump can be used to adjust the oil output of the oil with a flat blade, generally 60 to 70% can be adjusted.

2. The oil hole of the guide plate is blocked or the guide plate groove is blocked

Solution: Use a blow gun to clean the sawdust or debris on the guide plate.

3. The width of the guide plate groove does not match the width of the chain guide tooth

Solution: It is recommended to change to matching specifications.

4. The guide plate is not flat

Solution: It is recommended to directly replace the guide plate.
Other matters needing attention:

Although the requirement of lubricating oil between the chain saw guide plate and the chain is not too high, the waste oil from the general engine can also be used, but the sundries in the oil must be filtered before use to avoid blockage.

The chain saw guide plate and chain should not be adjusted too tightly or too loosely. The chain should be close to the guide plate after installation, and the chain can be moved freely when the zipper is pushed forward with a rose knife. After installing the chain, when pulling the chain away from the guide plate, you can pull up about half of the guide sprocket.



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